Monday, February 19, 2007


Character Question Again... (Forced ^^)

The preist is not a noble character in this story. Why do you think organized religion is so often represented by corrupt, and greedy characters in the novels???

My Answer is that...

Organized religion is so often represented as corrupt and greedy characters because the people that are within this topic think about others different from them as animals, or not even human. They think that besides them, all the other people are uncivilized, and are not true people...

Also, it is like the Americans thinking of the people with black skin as animals, everybody knows the story of the war because of this and the facts.

I think that it is to show that most people in organized religions are thinking badly of others like Indians, and Blacks. Maybe to suggest to treat others like themselves...

So the fact that organzied religions are shown as the bad people might be because of their beleifs in their perfectionism, and totalism. They think of others as nothing and them as most civilized, when the truth is that they have different cultures and religions that make all people different...

Anyway, this is what I think...

What about you all???


laura said...

I agree with you, although I would like to see a classic book with some real believers in it who actually have a relationship with God.

Chan said...

Yeah, I don't know if there is that kind of book though...


BIG DUDE said...

I totally agree with u
i think in the early days,
the church made many bad decisions
like thniking Black people were evil and tried to make indians like Europeans and slaves.

Chan said...

Yeah, I wish that people now will learn to know and acknowledge all the people aruond them...


Anna-bug said...

I think people see believers as bad most of the time because in the Civil War, the South were the people who wanted slaves and they were considered the Christians. I think this really damaged people's ideas about what Christians really were about. And some Christians aren't true Christians. The Christians were the ones who came and kicked the Indians out of America. And also, the Spanish people who came to America tryed to force the Indians to believe. This is what i think...

Chan said...

And the Crusades,,, ANNA!!!

He he...

I mean, true Christians, should be pure, loving AND kind, what about you, don't you think so???


Chan said...

We should work hard to overcome evil and become true christians...


Koko said...

If organized religion is what I think it is I think it's corrupt. I don't think they're talking about true christianity, but they kind of false christianity where they think deeds will get you to heaven. And don't they make you pay for stuff like forgivness?! AS IF!!!! honestly these poor people spend all their money making the preists feel more comfortable thinking they'll get to heaven. They don't realize it's all a lie!