Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Main Characters of The Christmas Carol and the Old Man and the Sea

Character Question:

In what ways are the Main characters of The Christmas Carol and the Old Man and the Sea different?

A major difference between Scrooge and Santiago would be that Scrooge is a businessman and Santiago is a fisherman each having different jobs.

Scrooge before changing had a cruel heart, was ugly, and was solitary. On the other hand, Santiago is kind, noble, brave, and has a good heart.

Scrooge is rich, but as we know Santiago is poor.
Even though Scrooge is rich he has a cruel heart ( Before Changing ) but Santiago on the other hand, is poor, but has a wonderful heart.

Don't you think so also???


Anonymous said...

It is very good but You keep on repeting yourself
I think you had all of the major differences

Anonymous said...

GO to this sight it has good stuff

Medhive said...

Nice post, I agree completely.

Chan said...

Thanks C, I will visit yours also!

Jacob said...

I agree as well. Santiago's my fav.

Chan said...

Yo James, I know I repeat some stuff, but I will try to not repeat them. Hey, what do you think about the Old Man?

Chan said...

Jacob, Santigao's your favorite?

I mean he's OLD and UGLY!


Anna-bug said...

Hey chan,
I agree with you about Santiago and Scrooge. I have never thought about that before. There is one similarity that i have observed between them. they are both trying to acheive something throughout the book. Santiago is trying to catch the fish, and SCrooge is trying to change. What do you think? another similarity is that both their names start with "s"! heehee.

Chan said...

Yeah Anna, I know really.

I also think that they have that similarity, and that they have major differences. I wonder what you will think about the minor differences. Oh well, I will visit yours.


Jacob said...

Well no duh their both old and their both uhh in need of a facial. But scrooge is a weird existent person and in desprete need of a facial.

Chan said...

Jacob, you are weird!

I wonder, I know that they both need some face changing, and their body parts... ^^

I wonder, I wonder, do you also need some?

Comment on my others!!!

gollum said...

i fine scrooge to be more of a grinch and santiago to be more of a gullom

Koko said...

Hey Chan
I visited yours!
I agree with you about the similarities and differences of their charactor. Another difference about them is the place they lived and their beliefs.
BTW You are gonna get a bad grade for your site title!!! lol! jk!

Chan said...

Lo Koko!!!

I had no bad feelings for the title, I just thought of something FUN!!!


Anyway, thanks for the comment, and visit mine!!!


Bethy said...

I agree! Scrooge is very down all the time and always looks at the bad parts of life but Santiago always looks on the bright side of life!

Chan said...

Yeah, thanks for agreeing

I think that is a major part also.

I wonder, what it wuold be if we were one of those people???


BIG DUDE said...

I think you are right..
you wrote all the differences so I can't comment on it...
I can't help you!!!

Chan said...

Dude, you have to comment...

Ok let me think

Oh yeah,,,

Who do you like better, Santiago or Scrooge...


BIG DUDE said...


Chan said...


I mean they are both BUTT UGLY!~~!

He he
