Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Do You think What Kino did was Right or Wrong???

As we ALL know, Kino throws away the Pearl of the World.

Now here is my Question, and it is (NOT FORCED ^^)

Was it Right for Kino to throw away the Pearl when he could have sold it for 1500 at least and gained some money for his family. But, he threw it away, so All that work, All blown away at once!

What do you guys think???

I think that he should have at least sold it for 1500. I wonder, if he had sold it for 1500, would he have lived happier???

Please tell me what you all think...


Monday, February 19, 2007


My Personal Question again, (NOT Forced ^^)

I am wondering, was it WRONG for Kino to want more??? I mean, he had very very very very little things to support his family, he had only a shack and his canoe that was pretty valuable... I think that it was all right for him to want more, I mean think about it, if you had a chicken, and other people had a BUNCH of COWS, wouldn't you want more so you would try to gain more??? I mean, I would. I think that Kino wanted to Gain More for his family so he risked everything... But, he went wrong, he shouldn't kill people in the process, even though he was trying to make his family have a better life... Maybe he should have just sold the pearl for the money at least...

What do you guys think???


Character Question Again... (Forced ^^)

The preist is not a noble character in this story. Why do you think organized religion is so often represented by corrupt, and greedy characters in the novels???

My Answer is that...

Organized religion is so often represented as corrupt and greedy characters because the people that are within this topic think about others different from them as animals, or not even human. They think that besides them, all the other people are uncivilized, and are not true people...

Also, it is like the Americans thinking of the people with black skin as animals, everybody knows the story of the war because of this and the facts.

I think that it is to show that most people in organized religions are thinking badly of others like Indians, and Blacks. Maybe to suggest to treat others like themselves...

So the fact that organzied religions are shown as the bad people might be because of their beleifs in their perfectionism, and totalism. They think of others as nothing and them as most civilized, when the truth is that they have different cultures and religions that make all people different...

Anyway, this is what I think...

What about you all???

Thursday, February 15, 2007

I Have A Personal Opinion...

I want to talk about Old Man and the Sea...

You know when he had to stop five times, that symbolizes Jesus carrying the cross, and resting for a few times before going on. And then there is the time when he carries the thing, symbolizing Jesus carrying the cross again. I wonder, why Hemmingway put this in, when he had no hope... I mean, he commited suicide, and yet he put something about his life. I think that this book was his last message to the people around him. You know when people die, they leave a message, I have a feeling that this was Hemmingway's message, to not act like him, and have no depression. I think that he was telling us that we should keep following and not give up.

And yet, he commited suicide, that is a mystery... Why do you think so??? And, if you have suggestions about this Jesus stuff, tell me please...


Do you all LIKE reading these BOOKS?

So how do you all think about the novels we are reading???

Are they interesting???


Tell me what you think about the novels we are reading...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Was the Red Pony a good book???

Tell me please, and write about what you think was the purpose???

I mean, the Pony dies in the 1st Chapter!!!
Comment about it Please!!!

What do you think the Themes of THE PEARL is???


I think that one major theme might be the seeking of Freedom, and also the Arrogance of 'civilized people' not knowing and thinking of black/indians as animals...

What do you think???